Everyone is welcome
to join our church
Victory Pentecostal Church is a church in Aylesbury led by Senior Pastor Peter Bruce.
Come and worship with us every Sunday at 11:00am to find out more about God and the Bible and to meet others in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
Our Church Mission Statement
Victory Pentecostal Church of God believes that everyone has a God given right to hear the life changing word of God in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
Therefore we do not discriminate against, race colour, sex, age, belief, lack of belief, convict, non-convict, upper, middle, or working class, etc.
The definition of discrimination is the unfavourable treatment of an individual for one of the above reasons (the list above gives the main motives for discrimination but does not include all).
We pray that you will enjoy the service and come again.
If you feel that we can be of benefit to you please do not hesitate to speak directly to the pastor or write to him using one of the methods listed below.
It may be that you have a skill or talent you would like to share with us, again we would be delighted to hear from you.

Our Women’s Mission Statement
Victorious Women
1 Samuel 14:7
“Do all that you have in mind,” his armour-bearer said.
“Go ahead; I am with you; heart and soul.”
Our mission is to add value and support to the Church by empowering women to achieve their full potential in God.
As Victorious Women of God, we will:
Embody Christ
Mentor women in the word and ways of God
Promote Family, Fellowship, Faith and Fun
Offer practical help wherever we see a need
Willingly share our experiences and so encourage each other to empathise, console and pray with those in need
Reach out to our community with love
Scheduled Meetings:
Every first Friday of each month unless otherwise stated: 7:30pm at VPCOG , 39 Fleet St. Aylesbury Bucks HP20 2PA
Men’s Fellowship Meetings – Coming Soon.
Embody- to be the best possible example of a particular idea, quality, or principle Mentor – to advise, counsel, guide, tutor and teach
Promote – to encourage the growth and development of something
Offer- to provide something, or make something available for those who want it Willingly- offered or given by somebody readily and enthusiastically
Empathise- to identify with and understand somebody else’s feelings or difficulties
Reach out – to have an influence or impact on people or on a group